Sunday, August 30, 2015


June 2015

“It’s another milestone achievement towards the upgrading of Afio Area Health Centre to general hospital status”, says Baddley Alaha, spokesman for Small Malaita Constituency Office.  In a statement released this week, it says that on 16 June 2015, Hon Rick Hou handed over the keys to the new doctor’s residence building to Mrs. Sita, the Nurse in Charge of Afio AHC. It said that the building was funded as part of the Constituency on-going contribution towards the hospital project.

MP for Small Malaita Hon. Rick Hou receiving the House key from the contractor Mr. Philip Kohimola
The statement said, that in a brief ceremony to mark the occasion, several guests were present including Ms. Marilyn Iro from the Kiluufi Hospital - she represented the Medical Director for Malaita Province; Mr. George Tatau, SAO (S) representing the Provincial Government, various divisional heads at Afio, medical staff around the region, and community leaders from surrounding communities.  “Both Ms. Iro and Mr. Tatau acknowledged the support that Hon Rick Hou has been providing to the Area Health Centre over the last several years”, added Mr Alaha.   

 Left Hon. Rick Hou cutting the ribbon of the New Doctor’s House at Afio Area Health center and on the right (Front row sitting from left: Ms. Sita Nurse in charge of Afio Area Health Centre, Hon. MP. Rick Hou, Ms. Marilyn Iro of Kilu’ufu Hospital. (Standing from left) (A Staff nurse) Michel Honisawa senior nurse (AAHC) Mr. J. Hite Former nurse in charge (AAHC) Mr. George Tatau (SAO) South.
The statement says that the general hospital upgrading is a very important project for the southern region which Hon Rick Hou has been pursuing with the Ministry of Health during the past few years.  The statement says that the Ministry of Health and Medical Services has now affirmed that this project has been approved its New Role Delineation Policy. “ In terms of this new policy, the Afio General Hospital will cater for the southern region of Malaita Province including Ulawa”, the statement said.  

Mr. Alaha added that under the Constituency development program the SMC Office will continue to support repairs and maintenance to the clinic and staff houses and other medical facilities. He said, that also the Office will continue with the Financial Supplementation program in the last three years.  “This is a financial assistance program to rural health clinics and health aid posts in the constituency to ensure delivery of health services continue around the constituency”, said Mr. Alaha.

Mr. Alaha also said that the Constituency has already received donations of furniture and equipment for the Afio AHC. He said these items were donated in response to a request Hon Rick Hou made last year to some groups in the United States of America. “As soon as Hon Rick Hou returns to Honiara from the constituency visit, arrangements will be made for these donations to be shipped to Afio.  Hon Rick Hou will submit a further request to these overseas groups for more donations to Afio Area Health Centre and other rural clinics in Small Malaita Constituency”, said Mr. Alaha.