2012 Budget Implementation Update
In line with the DC directions, the SMC Office is providing update summary of our budget implementation progress. Due to limitation of space, this is done in a graphical form. As can be seen implementation in some expenditure heads remain under-spent while for some, actual expenditure has already overtaken their allocations. Heads affected include School Fees Assistance, Medical Assistance, MP’s Discretion support and Consultation meetings.  

2012 Budget Updates! - Graphical form


Guidelines on Application of Funding for Community, Family & Personal Assistance

Section I:       Constituency Funds – Background
All constituencies in Solomon Islands are allocated equal amounts (regardless of geographical or population size) of financial resources each year by the Solomon Islands Government (SIG) and the Republic of China –Taiwan (ROC). By tradition & practice, the use and application of all these funds were left to the discretion of each Member of Parliament (MP).  There has been some progress towards better governance and more transparency in their application.
An important policy objective of the new Constituency Development Plan is that these funds will be applied to address wider-community and real capital development purposes instead of using them for day-to-day recurrent expenditure. History has shown that this approach has not produced the desired development impact.
There are SIX main sources of funding and these - as outlined in the 2012 Budget - are described below:
  1. SIG Rural Livelihood Fund ($1.5 Million) – it caters for any development project that advances the livelihood of rural communities. The 2102 Budget has shown an increase of $0.5 Million. Under the 2012 SM Development Plan, this Fund is dedicated largely for household & church solar lighting. Some allocation also goes towards community-based activities and income-generating projects. 
  3. ROC Millennium Development Fund ($400,000) – this is specifically to advance health, medical, education and training in the rural communities. Under the SM Development Plan this year 2012 we will be targeting four areas for assistance: School fees, Youth Volunteers scheme, health aid posts & clinics, school capital projects and medical assistance.
  5. ROC Micro Projects Fund ($200,000) – this is earmarked for income-generating projects in the rural communities. Under the 2012 SM Development Plan, priority is given to the agriculture sector. The fund will be operated as an incentive scheme to existing farmers. Provincial Agriculture staff will facilitate the statistics and profiling of projects to assist in deciding on applications. The SM CO will also conduct its own spot visits to project sites/locations.  
  7. ROC Rural Community Support Fund ($400,000) – this fund is for community development projects selected by the MP. For 2012, the Budget will cater for office administration and several areas of assistance to families, including funerals & deaths, chiefs meetings, community programs and sports.
  9. SIG Rural Water supply & Sanitation Fund ($300,000) – this is a new allocation in the 2012 Budget and is specifically to assist communities in the construction or maintenance of their water supply systems and sanitation programs.
  11. SIG – Church Assistance ($200,000) – this fund is to cater for assistance towards local churches1. Its application is based on the MPs discretion.
The detailed Guidelines for the access and use of the various funding allocations this year are described in the next section. 
Section II:      Guidelines for the use of Funds
Apart from community-based needs, other needs at the family level do exist. While funds are not sufficient to address all these needs, the importance to assist at this level is recognized. Therefore, the Development Committee has determined that the Constituency Office can assist. The following guidelines have been established to facilitate assistance in individual households needs and in certain areas.
All requests must comply with their individual guidelines. The general rule is that requests with evidence to prove the person/household/community is already making own efforts to help themselves will be considered favourably.
The individual guidelines are listed below:
1.  SIG Rural Livelihood Fund ($1.5 Million) 
In the 2012 Budget, three allocations have been set aside for solar lighting, shipping contribution and office administration. These will be applied directly for the stated purposes at the discretion of the MP.  The access and guidelines in regards to other allocations are described below: 
        (i)     SIG Community Assistance ($100,000)
This allocation is to support self-help community-based programs and activities to enhance livelihood and well-being in the community, excluding water supply and sanitation. Requests for this assistance must show evidence of own effort toward the activity. Contributions shall be in materials. Requests must be made by filling the Rural Livelihoods Fund application form. All parts of the form must be filled. Disbursement will depend on availability of funds.
(ii)  SIG Income Generating Projects ($200,000)
This is an additional allocation to compliment funding under the ROC Micro Project Fund for income- generating projects. Access is through filling in of the Micro-project application form. All parts of the form must be completed.  Disbursement will depend on availability of funds.

   2.   ROC Millennium Development Fund ($400,000) 
In the 2012 Budget, FIVE allocations have been provided. The first three are namely: youth volunteer scheme is for the administration of the scheme; health aid posts is to cater for assistance towards construction/maintenance of these facilities; and schools capital projects is for assistance towards school capital projects. Access to these THREE funding sources is by filling in MDF application forms. Disbursement will depend on availability of funds.
Access to the other TWO funding allocations is described below:
        (i)     Medical Assistance ($20,000 p.a.) 
This is for Referred cases at the National Referral Hospital from Small Malaita. Each request must provide an authenticated copy of the referral letter from Afio HC; Requests must be individually authorised by a medical practitioner; Maximum assistance is $1,000 per case; this assistance is limited to food & sea fares.
        (ii)   School Fees Assistance ($200,000 p.a.) 
The allocation is to complement the assistance which is administered by the Ministry of Education. To qualify, the following conditions must be satisfied:

a)       Priority:                                    Students of rural-based unemployed parents;
b)      Qualified Institutions:           Local and in-country training institutions;
c)      Bracket: Secondary:           F4-F7 only; Post-secondary: RTC, SICHE, USP &; UPNG local campuses; 
d)     Maximum number:                Up to 2 students per household/family;
e)     Maximum amount:                 Up to half of the year’s school fees
f)      Requirements:                       An authentic offer of place/proforma invoice from the school; names of parents, Village & Zone; endorsement by ZC or community leader
   3.       ROC Micro Projects ($200,000)
This is the main source of funding for income-generating projects. In the 2012 Budget, priority is given to the agriculture sector, and consideration will be accorded to existing farmers as an incentive to those who have already invested their own capital and have demonstrated a personal commitment to that investment. Access to this fund is by filling in the ROC Micro Projects application form. All parts of the form must be completed. Disbursement will depend on availability of funds and where the application best fit the priority areas in the Budget.
   4.    ROC Rural Community Support Development Fund ($400,000)
This fund is to cater for various needs in rural communities as selected by the MP. In the 2012 Budget, the funding is allocated between various administration costs of the SMC Office and THREE specific community-based areas of need as described below
        (i)      Deaths & Funerals Assistance ($30,000 p.a.)
This is to assist families during loss of relatives. Priority will be for food contribution, and other in-kind assistance as considered appropriate by the MP. Maximum contribution is $2,000 per case. It is preferred that requests for assistance be submitted in writing and as far as possible, endorsed by ZC Chairman/Secretary or another community leader, if the deceased is unknown to MP.
         (ii)   Chiefs & Culture ($30,000 p.a.) 
This allocation is to contribute in support of self-help projects & contributions to chiefs meetings.  Requests should be made in writing outlining the background of the project/meeting, what it hopes to achieve. It must show proof of funds raised by own effort. Maximum value for contribution is $5,000 per request p.a. Each request will require the endorsement by Zone Committee Chairman concerned.
 (iii)    Sports & Recreation ($70,000 p.a.) 
This allocation is to cater for contributions towards sports and recreation activities: for example the hosting of the SM Mini Games, SM Paramount Chief Cup and other sporting tournaments in the Constituency. Requests must be in writing and must show proof of funds raised, other planned activities and programs pertaining to the tournament. Maximum contribution per request is $20,000 p.a. Each request must be endorsed by Zone Committee Chairman concerned.
   5.    SIG Rural Water supply & Sanitation ($300,000) 
This is a new funding established under the 2012 Budget for assistance towards community water supply and sanitation programs. The two allocations in this year’s budget are described below:
         (i)     Water supply ($200,000) 
This is to assist rural communities either in the construction or maintenance of their water supply systems.  Access is by way of filling out an application form for Rural Livelihoods Fund.  All parts of the application form must be completed before submission.
 (ii)      Sanitation ($100,000) 
This funding is to assist rural community sanitation programs. Access is through filling out the Rural Livelihoods Fund application form. All parts of the form must be completed. 
   6.       SIG - Church Assistance ($200,000)  
This assistance is to cater for contributions towards Church capital projects and Missions programs only. Consideration will be given to self-help projects/activities and proof of effort.  Maximum contribution is $10,000 per request p.a.  Requests must be made in writing to the SMC Office and must be endorsed by senior pastor or senior parish priest of the area concerned. Requests must have the endorsement of the Zone Committee Chairman of the zone concerned.