Sunday, August 12, 2012

Visit to Israel

SI Delegation, Jerusalem
Hon Rick Hou MP was part of a SI Delegation that visited Israel in May 2012. The Delegation included member of the central government and Malaita Provincial Government. From the central government were the Deputy Prime Minister – Hon M Maelanga MP, Minister for Finance – Hon R N Hou MP, Minister for Rural Development – Hon L Alex MP, and two government officials. From Malaita Province were the Premier and Deputy Director of MCA. Other included the Israeli Honorary Consul to Solomon Islands and three representatives of the private sector.

Meeting with Israeli Foreign Affairs
The main objective of the visit was to visit a number of sites in Israel where there are industrial parks and growth centre concept is being undertaken. And also to meet various people involved in the development and management of these operations. For the government an important mission also was to ascertain the Israeli government commitment – especially in the funding of the industrial parks as well as more generally the kind of assistance that will be provided to Malaita Province in terms of the economic assistance package that was agreed recently between the parties. In so doing the SI Government would be able to ascertain its role and if so, what is expected of it.
At Bahai Temple, Haifa
The visit has been highly successful. A number of actions – by the Malaita Province and SIG – will be pursued as a result of the visit.  A back-to-office report has been drafted based on which a paper is being taken to Cabinet for deliberation.