Sunday, August 12, 2012

NCRA Policy on Constituency

The central government has taken further action to realize its flag ship policy to establish growth centres in Solomon Islands. Following the demolition of the infamous National Bureau for Economic and Social Development, the new Government has relocated all its rural development functions with the Ministry of
Rural Development. The other functions have either been streamlined into other line ministries or remain within the Prime Minister’s Office. In the Ministry of Rural Development, recruitment is now under way to fill positions to head the various functions to progress this. In keeping with that Policy intention, the Government is taking steps which will see constituency offices converted into development authorities/agencies of the central government. The Government intends to change the existing approach which to date has resulted only in a trickling-down effect of development assistance to the masses. This new mechanism will ensure development assistance is channeled directly to the people – through the Constituency Development Authority. It will ensure delivery by-passes the various levels of bureaucracy and red tape which impede delivery of development assistance to the people.