Sunday, December 8, 2013

Hou explains reason for trip

Hou explains reason for trip

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Minister of finance Rick Hou has issued a statement in response to an article written by Alfred Sasako last week.
The article entitled ‘Hou seeks relief from heat generated by LCC findings’  appeared on Wednesday 4th December issue of the Island Sun. Mr. Hou said the article contains some factual errors.
He added he will not comment on the LCC case as this has already been dealt with by Shadrach Fanega in his recent response.

Minister Hou said that his trip to Small Malaita over the weekend was to perform a very important responsibility to his constituency: to attend a summit of the Small Malaita Chiefs Council.

He said that he had been invited to this meeting which had been planned for some months already, as guest of honour as well as one of the resource persons.

Apart from that he said that he was able to conduct further consultations on the CDF Act Regulations, which is a very important part of the Government’s program of activities. 

MP Hou said that there was no secret about his trip and that the PMO and senior ministers were aware of this meeting and his attendance at the meeting. 

He said, “In fact this is the meeting to which the Prime Minister had made a donation of $20,000 during his visit to Afio last month”.

As regards the 2014 Budget, Hon Rick Hou stated that he had concluded all that is required of him.

“I have concluded everything that needs to be done on the 2014 Budget through Caucus and Cabinet. On Friday 29th November, I signed off on the introductory file to Parliament of the Bill, which took the bill before both the PAC and the Bills Committee. That the PAC is unable to meet or there is no Auditor General is outside of my responsibilities,” said Hon Hou.

Hon. Hou stated that he left Honiara on Friday 29th November and not on Monday as reported by Sasako after he had signed the introductory file to Parliament, and he returned on Tuesday 3rd December in time for Parliament to start on Thursday this week.

He added, “during that period I stayed in contact with my office.

“Mr. Sasako will be relieved to know that I did not need relief from any pressure in relation to my official job. Work pressure in public office is not new to me,” Hou stated.

Mr. Sasako’s report that Hon Hou escaped the “heat from the LCC case” to his constituency is highly speculative and intended to mislead the public, the statement from Hou said.

Minister Hou said he was not aware of the LCC allegations until he was informed on Saturday by the permanent secretary. 

“How could I have escaped from something I was unaware of?”

MrHou said that it is obvious Mr. Sasako in his usual way has fabricated pieces of hearsay information, and applying his conic speculative writing style to misinform the public.

“This does not bode well with such a veteran journalist of the highest ethical standards, and such an iconic commentator on public policy issues.”   

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