Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Hon. Hou prioritises infrastructure

The Small Malaita Constituency Infrastructure Development Program (SMC IDP) is a 25 years rolling plan which entails all constituency-wide development program in all sectors. All these projects are interrelated – each one is aimed towards enhancing the development of the Afio EGC and Township project which is the core project, a statement from the SMC Office said that.

Speaking during the launching of the road infrastructure project, Hon Hou revealed that his priority this term is on infrastructure. “Our main emphasis as from 2015 is to address the major infrastructure needs of the constituency, to provide the much-needed conducive environment for real economic activities. The long term aim is to enhance self-reliance and reduce dependency on government handouts.  We want to see our people to stop relying on the MP for household items such as school fees, funeral costs, sea fares, lighting and even housing”, the statement said.


The statement said that the Afio EGC and Township concept is premised on the objective to build a township that will host residential services, government administration services, financial services, commercial & business services, tourism-related services, health, education and other social services.  The township is to derive its livelihood from selected service industries – including in commerce, business, agriculture, fisheries and tourism – and supported by a network of physical infrastructure that will ensure connectivity with Afio. 



Road construction in progress

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