Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Administration Notices
Hon R N Hou met with World Vision community facilitators in Small Malaita. World Vision is carrying out some very basic but very important grass roots programs in the Constituency.  
During the quarter, the appointments of Mr. Walter Wate as Constituency Planning Officer (CPO) was confirmed and the re-appointment of Mr. G Awa (CDO) was confirmed. Following discussions with the Ministry of Rural Development, it is expected that the SMC program of activities for the development of Afio EGC will be approved. This should see the Ministry advertising positions to oversee the development of this project.  
Other News
In April Parliament passed the Constituency Development Fund Bill. This is to enhance the flag carrier policy of the government in turning the Constituency as the new channel for rural development and service delivery conduit in Solomon Islands.  The new Act, with the coming into force of the regulations, will strengthen accountability, transparency and delivery effectiveness.  At the same time this will ensure the management of constituency resources at an arms length of the MP, while not alienating the MP from control and overall direction.   
Hon R N Hou and his wife Rachel spent two days (28 & 29 May) in Heraniesi to attend funeral of late Chief Peter Wate of Ueni Usu Peine.  And as a further sign of respect for the high chief, his meeting at Walande had been postponed for another date. 
Hon R N Hou and Rachel also spent a night with relatives on 3 June at Sarawasi in memory and respect of late Chief Ben Tahuni who passed away earlier this year.  Late Ben was a very active community leader in his Iola, village and the Chairman of Zone 9. He was one of the Team Leaders in our 2010 Election Campaign. He will be sorely missed. 
For the most part of last year, relations between Hon R N Hou and certain leaders (especially Martin Housanau) of Liwe Community soured for no apparent reason apart from personal grievances on his part. Realizing that this situation is not in the best interest of their community, and following discussions and negotiations between community leaders of the two sides, a reconciliation ceremony took place at Hon R Hou’s residence at Lungga in February.  During the brief ceremony Martin Housanau and his tribal chiefs gave shell money, food and pig to Hon Rick N Hou as a sign of respect to and in recognition of Hon R N Hou’s chiefly position both in Korutalau Mweimwei as well as in Hoastei Mwane.  This is in line with tradition and custom. 
During the quarter, Hon R N Hou convened two separate public meetings for Small Malaitans in Honiara. In the first meeting the participants discussed preparations and other organizational matters concerning the Small Malaita Mini Games (SMMG). It was confirmed that SMMG 2013 will be hosted by Saa Community and Sports Club.  In line with the SMMG Charter, a new SMMG Council was elected during the meeting. Hon R Hou urged the new Council to convened quickly and take action on the preparations, and he promised to find funding to assist the host community.
The other meeting was to organize a proposed Chiefs meeting on infrastructure development plans in Asimeuri.  Following that meeting, Hon R Hou has written to the community leaders in Zones 4, 5 & 6 on the question of a venue. At the time of writing it has been confirmed that Hon R Hou will be making a visit of the Constituency at the end of May. Dates and venues for meetings are being finalized.  
The SMC Office confirmed a total of $400,350 has either been paid or pledged towards school fees scheme in respect of our constituency students in various schools, colleges and RTCs around the country.  Like before, the Office has been most grateful to the various educational institutions and education authorities for allowing our students to be enrolled “on credit”. This is critical because while school fees have to be dealt with early in the year, we do not receive funds from the Government until in the second half of the year.
The DC and SMC families were shocked to learn of the passing on of late Clement Bokosini of Parasi village on 18 March 2012. Late Bokosini was a very strong supporter of our development policies and programs.

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